“‘Vegetable’ oil makes you exceedingly vulnerable to cancer. Every extra mouthful of vegetable oil you consume takes you one step closer to a deadly (and irreversible) outcome.”
With these words David Gillespie begins his follow-up to the bestseller Big Fat Lies: How the diet industry is making you sick, fat & poor. In Big Fat Lies he analysed the latest scientific evidence to show us that vegetable oils, specifically seed oils, are dangerous to our health, despite that fact that they are recommended by government health agencies.
David believes that our bodies are not adapted to eat a diet which contains polyunsaturated fats in huge quantities. Our extraordinarily complex biochemistry works on an assumption that we will have a very small quantity of these fats in our diet and that every other fat we consume will come from animals or other sources of saturated fat or monounsaturated fat. This was the case until 200 years ago, but the industrial replacement of all fats with cheaper man-made vegetable oils has meant that it is almost impossible to buy food that does not contain polyunsaturated fats in the form of seed oils. They are in cooking oils, margarines, sauces, spreads, crackers, biscuits, pastry, fast food and most processed food.
In Toxic Oil he reveals the evidence to support his argument that an excess of seed oils can not only cause cancer and heart disease but also damage our eyes and immune systems. This practical guide also helps you navigate the supermarket, with recommendations for brands that are low in sugar and seed oils, and provides recipes for food that would normally be made with seed oils. This accessible, entertaining and sometimes shocking book is an essential first step towards living a longer, healthier life.
It’s astoundingly hard to figure out what is good and what is bad these days with our FDA being so corrupt and influenced by financially powerful companies. I don’t know how it works in Australia but I know it’s awful here. It is exhausting and frustrating. Almost everyone I know who has died – has died of cancer. Thank you so much for all your help. Kindest regards,
Thank you, David, for your shocking news of the food we eat, and the industries & governments that lack integrity. What seeds should be avoided? And is olive oil ok?
Olive Oil is fine Philippa. I’d avoid canola, soybean, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, rice bran, grapeseed and sesame seed oils.
I am a breastfeeding mother and have been looking at formula for when I go back to work, however they are all made from seed oils and contain high amounts of omega 6. Have you come across any that are not or have any advice of an alternative?
There’s a chart in Toxic Oil Renee – using that I determine that the best choice is the Karicare Goat Starter. Its polyunsaturated fat levels are only a little bit higher than Human Breast Milk on traditional diets.
I agree completely.
A graph of the use of vegetable oil, increasing carbohydrates is almost a perfect match with growing disease with a few decade delay.
All the research into fighting cancer might be better spent on prevention.
The omega 6 in the vegetable oils is converted in the body into chemical messenger chemicals called eicosanoids. The cause almost all of the diseases of the 20th centry: Allergy, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, excema, heat disease, stroke,at least.
Sugar cause arterial inflamation => heat disease and even diabetes seems to have an inflamation root.
And our goverments are telling us to eat the food that kills us.
Carbohydrates and polyunsaturated oils. The US heart foundation says we should increase our consumption of omega 6. Do they think we are stupid?
A low fat diet will make us sick. Our bodies need saturated fats to make a water proof cell wall. That means on a low fat diet we get leaky cell walls and this results in skin diseases.
We need the truth to be spoked.
Thanks david for the additional info. I also read recently from a book that the oils we consume has cis bond that binds the molecules of the oil. so wen used repeatedly,the cis bond changes to trans bond which is very carcinogenic
Is there a seed oil-free shoppers guide available?
Not yet Alison – next best thing at the moment is the Toxic Oil book – will work fully integrated sugar and oil guides this year
Thank you once again David for providing crucial information. People like you provide such an important voice. You explain things clearly and precisely. You even managed to keep my 16 year old interested. Keep fighting the fight. Stay well.
Thank you David. I am so pleased I came upon your books and now a member of your website. Such great information, and I have my whole family and extended family interested also.
Thank you once again for all you have done to enlighten us, and Lizzie for testing new recipes.
Hi David,
I find ur article very interesting. I am a lymphoma cancer survivor and I am doing my best to eat healthy. I want if mustard oil is safe. We use mustard oil for almost all the cooking in northeast India. pls advise.
Sanjit – its mid range – its not terrible but there are better choices see this:
Hi David
I’m from the UK. How can I get hold of your books “Eat Real Food” and “Toxic Oil”?
At the moment the only way is by ordering them from Australia. But Eat Real Food will be available in the UK shortly. I will post a notice on this site and on the facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sweet-Poison/157501174289687 when that happens.
I take the research that supports what I think and ignore the rest. Then I ignore the fact that research is designed to suggest and act as though its suggestions are undeniable facts. Finally I dress these “facts” up with emotive adjectives. All the while I am careful to make it all seem so plausible.
So many blogs, so many claims. And no-one bothers to go back to the original research. It’s on the web, it must be true.
[…] 25. Toxic Oil David Gillespie http://davidgillespie.org/toxic-oil/ […]
basically any fats that harden at room temp are better than the ones that stay liquid, yes lard is better for you than vegetable oil and meat fat like from bacon are better than sunflower oil or anything like it. I know this is counter intuative to what we’ve been taught, we’ve been lied to by the people that are supposed to be helping us but there is little money to be made from healthy people so they only want you healthy enough to write a check or earn to pay them. for instance cancer doctors call sugar the white death in private with each other and then go into the chemo treatment area and give the patients candy or sweets and tell them that any calories are good for them now. sorry but it’s the truth……..
Macadamia oil never solidifies, at its at the end of that table. I assume it because of the mono saturated fats in it. I don’t know why it is never given as an option. It fantastic stuff, healthy fats, high smoke point, made local here in Queensland and no more expensive that olive oil.
This information is critical to people who are concerned about health. I’ve read by another author that even using these oils as lotion on the skin is dangerous and can cause skin cancer. Does your research support that? I would love to know what’s really true. Thanks
I haven’t come across any evidence of that Shelley but feel free to provide a link and I’ll look into it
Thank you for responding. I read that in the book called Sunlight by Zane R. Kime, published in 1980. His footnote cites an article by H.P. Rusch called “The Influence of Caloric Restriction and of Dietary Fat on Tumor Formation with Ultraviolet Radiation” in Cancer Res 5:431, 1945.
I am not sure sesame seed oil are carcinogenic.