If you subscribe to this blog for hard hitting research then you’ll be sadly disappointed by this post.  This is an update on goings on in general.  Hard hitting research will follow in a day or two (on Xylitol and its brothers).

Steve Austin from ABC – Statewide QLD asked me to drop by on Tuesday to talk about my theories on fluoride.  Long term readers will know that I think fluoride (in the water supply) is an unnecessary and dangerous ‘fix’ for a problem which could be much more effectively eliminated by banning fructose.  I’ll post a more thorough diatribe on that point shortly (really, I will).
Over at the Sweet Poison forum Crystal scolded me for using such a backward method of communication and suggested I try facebook … so I did.  I created a page where sugar haters can share photos, tips and generally chat … cruise over and take a look when you get a chance and don’t be shy about joining in!
I’ve also been busy preparing my speech to the Obesity Inquiry.  The hearing is tomorrow morning (Monday) at the Gold Coast … more details at the Sweet Poison home page.  For anyone who can’t convince their boss that tomorrow is a good time for a quick trip to the Gold Coast, I’ll post a copy of my notes afterwards.
Oh and … no news yet on Diabetic Living … hmm … time to ramp that one up I think … stay tuned.

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