Tahini, sesame seed pulp

By March 28, 2014

Tahini, sesame seed pulp

Ground sesame seed pulp.

The majority of nutrients including proximates, minerals, vitamins and fatty acids were derived from a composite of 6 purchases (2x Melissa, 2x Pure Harvest and 2x Russells) of Tahini (sesame seed pulp) purchased from local health food shops in SA in April,1989 (AGAL,1989). Trace metals (As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, and Zn) were derived from a composite of 9 samples of Tahini purchased nationally in 1998 (19th ATDS). Cholesterol was imputed zero. Vitamin E and folate were borrowed from UK, 6th record 1026.
Nuts and Seeds
Name Value (g)
Dietry Fibre 13.5
Omega-6 27.91
Omega-3 0.12
Protein 0.12
Total Fat 60.7
Total Fructose 0.35
Name Value (g)
Fructose 0
Glucose 0
Sucrose 0.7
Maltose 0
Lactose 0
Nuts and Seeds
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