Spread, yeast, marmite

By March 28, 2014

Spread, yeast, marmite

Very thick, dark brown spread. Concentrated yeast extract. Contains added salt, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin.

The majority of nutrients including proximates, vitamins and minerals are from Sanitarium industry data (2008). Other nutrients were derived from a composite sample of six purchases of Sanitarium Marmite in Adelaide in 1990 (AGAL 1990). Vitamin C and retinol values were imputed as zero based on international literature. Folates were estimated based on NZ analyses of meat extracts from 2005 and taking into account assumptions about the amount of folic acid per serve of spread; this value should therefore be interpreted with caution. Fe was from NZFSA 2005. Note high fibre content which should be used with caution. The analysed nitrogen value was reduced by 10% to account for purine nitrogen.
Name Value (g)
Dietry Fibre 11.8
Total Fat 0.9
Total Fructose 6.25
Name Value (g)
Fructose 2
Glucose 1.3
Sucrose 8.5
Maltose 0
Lactose 0
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