Soup, beef, broth style, cup of soup, instant dry mix

By March 28, 2014

Soup, beef, broth style, cup of soup, instant dry mix

Instant dry beef mix soup containing beef and other ingredients such as spices and herbs, maltodextrins, salt and starch. Does not contain pasta or croutons. Requires mixing with boiling water in a cup before consumption.

The majority of nutrients were derived from a composite of 10 samples (5x Continental Hearty Beef, 3x Home Brand Beef, 1x Black & Gold Hearty Beef, 1x BiLo Hearty Beef) purchased from Melbourne supermarkets in 2002.
Name Value (g)
Dietry Fibre 4.3
Total Fat 3.3
Total Fructose 0.0
Name Value (g)
Fructose 0
Glucose 1.4
Sucrose 0
Maltose 3.4
Lactose 0.9
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