Ice confection, stick or tub, fruit juice or fruit flavoured

By March 28, 2014

Ice confection, stick or tub, fruit juice or fruit flavoured

Australian fruit juice or fruit flavoured ice confection. Ingredients include sugar and fruit juices such as lemon, pineapple, passionfruit and orange. Frozen prior to sale and sold on a stick or in a tube. One of four samples does not contain fruit juice.

Proximates, vitamins and minerals were derived from a composite sample of 4 varieties (2x Streets, Peters and Woolworths), purchased from 3 outlets in Sydney and analysed in 1988 by AGAL. Fibre, cholesterol and fatty acid subtotals were imputed based on international literature or product composition. Origin of vitamin C is unclear.
Name Value (g)
Dietry Fibre 0
Omega-6 0
Omega-3 0
Protein 0
Total Fat 0.1
Total Fructose 8.4
Name Value (g)
Fructose 1.1
Glucose 2.6
Sucrose 14.6
Maltose 0.4
Lactose 0
Ice cream & Edible Ice Products
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