Cooked internal and external separable fat from the forequarter of the carcase. Oven roasted, as purchased, at 180C to an internal temperature of ~70C, then dissected.
Raw pork from the forequarter of the carcase, as purchased without removal of internal and external fat.
Raw lean muscle meat from the forequarter of the carcase, with all possible internal and external separable fat removed.
Raw internal and external separable fat from the forequarter of the carcase.
Cooked lean muscle meat from the hind portion of the carcase. Dry fried, as purchased, to an internal temperature of ~70C with a small amount of pork fat. All possible internal and external separable fat removed.
Raw pork from the hind portion of the carcase, with all possible internal and external separable fat removed.
Raw lean muscle meat from the hind portion of the carcase, with all possible internal and external separable fat removed.
Cooked lean muscle meat from the hind portion of the carcase, as purchased with no separable fat. Dry fried to an internal temperature of ~70C with a small amount of pork fat.
Raw lean muscle meat from the hind portion of the carcase, as purchased with no separable fat.
Cooked pork from the hind portion of the carcase. Oven roasted at 180C to an internal temperature of ~75C without additional oil or fat.